Organizing Committee
Michael Strube

Group Leader NLP, Scientific Director
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH
Michael's research focuses on discourse processing and using discourse aspects in NLP applications. He teaches at the University of Heidelberg on the risks of NLP, and also gives talks to a broader public on this same issue. Michael served as Program Committee Co-chair for ACL-IJCNLP in 2015.
Dirk Hovy

Associate Professor
Bocconi University
Dirk's research focuses on how social dimensions influence language and NLP engineering decisions. He has published on ethics in NLP in general, and on bias and dual use problems in particular. Dirk also co-organized previous workshops on NLP+CSS, abusive language, and ethics.
Margaret Mitchell

Senior Research Scientist
Research & Machine Intelligence, 
Margaret's research focuses on how to evolve AI toward long-term social benefit, bringing in machine learning and cognitive psychology.
She also organized the Women and other Underrepresented Genders in NLP lunch, co-organized the first WiNLP workshop, and is helping to lead the ACL Diversity and Inclusion initiative.
Mark Alfano

Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology 
Professor, Australian Catholic University 

Mark's work encompasses philosophy (ethics, epistemology, philosophy of science and mind) and social science (social and personality psychology).  He is ecumenical about methods, including modal logic, questionnaires, tests of implicit cognition, incentivizing techniques borrowed from behavioral economics, neuroimaging, textual interpretation (especially of Nietzsche), and digital humanities techniques. Recent relevant work includes a project on social and semantic networks that discuss controversial topics.